My Summer Car

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  •  My Summer Car — релизный трейлер версии 1.0
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A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more

Release Date (Early Access):
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A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland, and the only task is to restore an old family car. How to make a living and where to find all the necessary parts depends on the player's skill and luck.

Backstory and plot

The early 90s. A depressed Finnish village, a true backwater. The main character is an 18-year-old young man whose parents have gone on vacation to Tenerife for the summer, leaving him in charge of the family home. All he has for entertainment is beer in the fridge, a real Finnish sauna, and boat rides. His needs range from paying utility bills to finding food and money for beer, which he has to manage somehow. For instance, by participating in and winning a local crazy rally.

Opening the door to the garage where a 1974 Satsuma AMP has been sitting for years, the hero embarks on a series of exciting adventures that arise literally out of nowhere, allowing him to learn more about life around him and find his place in this world. He learns to repair and modify the car; gets involved in conflicts with locals and makes new friends; finds himself in dangerous situations due to unruly machinery; and even finds love.

In My Summer Car, there are few stories, but all of them are connected with characters seemingly taken from real life: a beloved but ill grandmother, a good-natured uncle, a drunken neighbor, a slacker best friend, etc. Everyone needs help, and there are small moral choices to be made. As the "Satsuma" transforms from junk into a normal car, the hero himself changes. He matures, evolving from a slacker into an experienced mechanic and racer, learning to overcome difficulties.

Game world

My Summer Car may not shine with visual beauty, but it pulls you in with the atmosphere of the Finnish countryside and authentic Scandinavian nature, with its endless forests, lakes, swamps, and rivers.

The action takes place in the fictional area of Peräjärvi — an open world that combines rural landscapes, several villages, wild natural territory, with a significant part of it being flooded by a lake. Everything is connected by a ring road and a couple of smaller roads, including dirt roads.

There are points of interest: the main character's house (the most detailed), stores (where you can buy food and car parts), a workshop (for repairing and modifying the car), an airfield, a bar and nightclub, a radio tower, a farm, and other places. Each is tied to a quest or an interesting story; for example, taking a photo of the remains of a house that burned down long ago can reveal the ghost of its owner.

The game world is also filled with useful items — sets of tires, tools, car parts, ready-to-transport logs, expensive alcohol, a video camera, fireworks, and so on. Such items can be freely collected and provide a decent boost to progress in the game. The map is open from the very beginning, and players can freely explore its boundaries.

Secrets of Finnish cars

At one time, My Summer Car became famous for its meticulous implementation of the car restoration process. The Satsuma consists of hundreds of parts, each with its own place and function. Most parts are geometrically accurate, adding complexity to the assembly process. Missing a small piece can prevent the installation of the next part or cause a leak after complete assembly.

The restoration itself consists of clear stages: assembling the chassis, engine, and transmission, installing wings, doors, and bumpers, and assembling the dashboard and interior. However, the assembly of the chassis and engine alone consists of three dozen steps. Mistakes at any of these steps will require a complete reassembly.

Starting the car has its own sequence of actions: pouring in antifreeze, coolant, oil, fuel, adjusting and leveling the car, tuning the engine, and turning on the dashboard. But that's not all, as the car hasn't been tested on the road. Problems can arise for various reasons.

Oil is leaking: are there gaskets that weren't installed or blocks that weren't tightened properly? The car won't start: are the valves too open or did water get into the fuel tank? A brake line came off during a turn, and the car went into the ditch: is it the wrong hose or was it forgotten to be tightened? Solving these problems depends on the player's ingenuity, and their occurrence is due to the accuracy and care taken during assembly.

Single Player

The protagonist of My Summer Car has a number of needs that must be met for survival: thirst, hunger, stress, rest, not to mention money. Among possible hobbies are hunting, fishing, making coffee, exploring the world, and more. These activities add another layer of depth to the gameplay and allow the player to gain certain advantages.

Running around the map on foot is unnecessary — there are various modes of transport available for completing tasks: a motorcycle, tractor, motorboat, septic truck, and others. However, reckless driving is not an option — the police are always on the lookout for speeders. One must also keep an eye on the condition of the vehicles, regularly servicing and cleaning them to avoid breakdowns and accidents on the road.

Tasks include: participating in rallies and drag races, posting flyers on the streets, making and selling Finnish homemade wine from sugar, picking berries and strawberries, gambling, delivering groceries to grandma, emptying neighbors' septic tanks, and even picking up a drunk neighbor from the city pub. And if that's not enough — there are always mods that add various content.

TOP-5 mods for My Summer Car:

  • Tire Racks — adds shelves for tires;
  • Fast Travel — allows for quick travel to known locations on foot;
  • Lantern — hangs a lantern in the front yard that turns on with the garage lights;
  • Reduced Flat Trees — reduces the number of flat trees on the map to make it feel more open;
  • CD Player Enhanced — adds an enhanced CD player with mp3 support and unlimited CD capacity.

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System requirements and PC test

  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-560
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Free Space: 1 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 650 Ti; Radeon HD 7770
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-680
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Free Space: 1 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 960; Radeon R9 380
PC test

Reviews and ratings

Do you think this game is about building a car? Only partially...

Basically this game is about you trying to fit one part to another in an engine, and then closing the game when you get tired. Before your next visit, you watch the guides. After looking at the guides, go into the game and the problem occurs again. You already want to delete this game, but have mercy. For the third time, you have full information on how to assemble this Toyota on your phone. Finally, you assemble the engine and realize that this is just the beginning...

On your next visit, you will learn that you can take ready-made equipment in different places. You climb into the tractor and take with you a box of Finnish beer. You drive to the nearest village for about twenty minutes, jump on a bump and die. Bang! And all t… Read full

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Вы думаете эта игра о сборке машины? Лишь частично...

В основном эта игра о том, как вы пытаетесь скрепить одну деталь с другой в двигателе, а потом, когда устанете, закрываете игру. Перед следующим заходом вы смотрите гайды. Посмотрев гайды, заходите в игру и снова происходит затуп. Вы уже хотите удалить эту игру, но милуете. В третий раз у вас на телефоне открыта полная информация о том, кок собрать эту "тайоту". Наконец вы собираете двигатель и понимаете, что это только начало...

В следующий заход вы узнаете, что можно взять уже готовую технику в разных местах. Вы залезаете в трактор, берете с собой ящик финского пива. Едете в ближайший поселок минут двадцать, подпрыгиваете на кочке и умираете. Бац! А все сохранения исчезли, оказывается вы забыли выключить пермаментную смерть.… Read full


The toy is quite interesting! BUT! There is a big BUT. There is no voice acting at all in any language (maybe this is part of the developers' plan). Physics also suffers, it happened that the character’s head got stuck in the roof while driving, and when I got out of it, I simply flew to distant lands and died. And I really liked the process of assembling the car, namely the detail and absolutely everything affects the characteristics of the car. If there is voice acting and the physics are tweaked a little, the game will be just like candy! Thanks to the developers

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Игрушка довольно интересная! НО! Есть большое НО. Напрочь отстуствует озвучка на любом языке(может это часть плана разработчиков). Так же страдает физика, бывало, что голова персонажа застревала в крыше при езде, а когда я выходил из неё, то просто улетал за тридевять земель и умирал. А так мне очень понравился сам процесс сборки автомобиля, а именно детальность и абсолютно всё влияет на характеристики автомобиля. Если будет озвучка и чуток подправят физику- игра будет просто как конфетка! Спасибо разрабам

10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
10 / 10
9 / 10

An excellent car assembly simulator.

In My Summer car you can:

Build your car

Crash your car



Ss... ahem, relieve yourself anywhere

Show the middle finger to anyone

Upgrade your car

Take part in a rally

And much more...

The game is not perfect, there are bugs and stupid game conventions. Well, I advise you to play

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Отличный симулятор сборки автомобиля.

В My Summer car можно:

Собрать свою машину

Разбить свою машину



Сс... кхм, справлять нужду где угодно

Показывать средний палец кому угодно

Прокачать свое авто

Учавствовать в ралли

И многое другое...

Игра не идеальна, есть баги и глупые игровые условности. Ну а поиграть советую


Simulator of a garage mechanic in the countryside.

Allows you to build the car of your dreams literally from scratch, using tools that are still used in auto repair shops today.

Everything is absolutely like in reality, only with cartoon graphics

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Симулятор гаражного автомеханика в деревенской глубинке.

Позволяет построить автомобиль своей мечты буквально с нуля, используя инструменты, использующиеся в автомастерских по сей день.

Всё абсолютно как в реальности, только с мультяшной графикой


An excellent game for those who like to get stuck under the hood of a car and enjoy the vastness of the game world. The game has quite a lot of possibilities, ranging from simple household items to participation in rallies and drag racing. A system of character needs has also been implemented, such as: Hunger, thirst, stress, going to the toilet, and much more. I advise all fans of racing and tinkering under the hood to play. The game drags on for a very long time

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Отличная игра для любителей позалипать под капотом автомобиля, и наслаждаться просторами игрового мира. В игре довольно много возможностей, начиная от простой бытовухи, и заканчивая участием в ралли и драге. Так же реализована система потребностей персонажа, такие как: Голод, жажда, стресс, поход в туалет, и многое другое. Всем любителям гонок и возни под капотом советую поиграть. Игра затягивает на оооочень долгое время

10 / 10
5.5 / 10
7 / 10
7.5 / 10
Sound and Music
7.5 / 10
1 / 10
7.5 / 10
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